Heading home to Colorado Monday.
Its been about 10 weeks, I’ve rewritten around 20 chapters for THE BALANCE in the past several weeks, but there’s a lot of work yet to get it out this year.
I collected data on Rome for the two periods of the city that I will include in the book—the mid 16th century and the period from 1880 to 1920.
There are a myriad of other things to do. I scheduled a book signing in Colorado Springs in March and there is an author’s showcase for local writers in Woodland Park in April.
The rewrite of THE BALANCE goes on. I’ll probably post a third chapter some time in March, or at latest April. It’s also time to dust off the chapters I started on I AM and to prep for that book’s completion the next year. If things go well, then I’ll probably go to Provence in May-June instead of late this year. This is another research trip for DISOBEDIENCE.
It’s always good yo be heading home, even if its from nice places like Italy.
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