As an avid, omnivorous reader I know what I like in a good book—and the genre really doesn’t matter to me. A good book is a good book and that’s all that matters.
A good book is difficult to put down, and friends who know me understand how intensely I can be pulled into a reading frenzy. I’ve disappear sometimes to devour a book per day over a period of a few weeks at a time—and I’ve been known to read the same book two or three times in a row if I know that there is more to it than I experienced the first time through. I want to squeeze everything I can out of the author’s work and even expand on it in my head. I want to read good books and know they will take me on a journey.
At the top of the page are links to descriptions of the works I am husbanding through various stages of maturity right now. Some are complete and in the pre-production phases and some are in the middle . . .
The Boy Who Ran. a Middle Grade novel, is planned for release by the end of 2013 from Woodland Park Press
The Balance, a Young Adult novel, is planned to be released in the spring from Woodland Park Press
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