I inadvertently started thinking about and writing parts of The Balance Part 2, subtitled “The Wastelands and the Wilderness” these past two days. Individual scenes started coming in and I decided to capture what I was seeing while it was fresh. That’s how much of my writing happens—I visualize the places and see the story unfolding, like watching a movie, and write down what happens.
I’ve had the basic story plotted out for a while. I like to say I see the shape of the forest but not where all the trees are. But I just spend an evening detailing the plot, not chapter-by-chapter, but thread-by-thread. The Balance Part 2 will begin with a significant event that drives the rest of the story and soon divides into four separate threads, including the primary one. I worked out a lot of details tonight but a few remain with less resolution for now.
I still plan to travel to southern France late this summer to continue research on the book DISOBEDIENCE, but may either work both books in parallel (I did this with The Boy Who Ran and The Balance), or complete The Balance Part 2 first.
On other news, The Audio Book for The Boy Who Ran should be out by April 1 and the novel I AM should be published on time late this spring.
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